Top animatii 2008
Cum anul asta am inceput cu filme de animatie, continui cu ele. iata un top recomandat de unul din siteurile mele preferate (… eu le-am vazut si mi-au plaut. Unele le vazusem, altele nu… le recomand.. mai sint citeva insa nu pot face rost de ele…
Lapsus / Regia – Juan Pablo Zaramella
KJFG № 5 / Regia – Alexei Alexeev
Art’s Desire / Regia – Sarah Wickliffe
Big Bug Bunny / Regia – Sacha Goedegebure
Maman je t’aime / Regia – Antoine Collet, Damien Dell’omodarme, Mickael Abensur.
Pushkin / regia – Trevor Hardy
Genialul Iuri Norstein
Anul acesta incep cu desene animate si carti. Fara tv si politica. Poate si putina economie de criza. Dar desene animate in primul rind + carti bune. O sa incep cu preferatul meu Iuri Norstein, cel care a facut Iojik v tumane/ Ariciul in ceata, supranumit si “cel mai bun desen animat al tuturor timpurilor”.
Norstein este brilinat in meseria sa si deseori a fost comparat cu Tarkovski. Sclipitor de inteligent si cu imagini de o sensibilitate aparte. Poate ultimul manufacturier in aceasta meserie.
O sa incep cu un documentar (titrat in engleza) + citeva date depsre regizor.
Documentary on Yuri Norstein : PART 1
Yuriy Norshteyn was born in the village of Andreyevka, Penza Oblast, during his parents’ World War II evacuation. He grew up in the Maryina Roshcha suburb of Moscow. After studying at an art school, Norshteyn initially found work at a furniture factory. Then he finished a two-year animation course and found employment at studio Soyuzmultfilm in 1961. The first film that he participated in as an animator was Who Said “Meow”? (1962).
After working as an animation artist in some fifty films, Norshteyn got the chance to direct his own. In 1968 he debuted with 25th October, the First Day, sharing directorial credit with Arkadiy Tyurin. The film used the artwork of 1920s-era Soviet artists Altman and Petrov-Vodkin.
The next film in which he had a major role was The Battle of Kerzhenets (1971), a co-production with Russian animation director Ivan Ivanov-Vano under whose direction Norshteyn had earlier worked on 1969’s Times of the Year. Throughout the 1970s Norshteyn continued to work as an animator in many films (a more complete list can be found at IMDB), and also directed several. As the decade progressed his animation style became ever more sophisticated, looking less like flat cut-outs and more like smoothly-moving paintings or sophisticated pencil sketches.
Norshteyn uses a special technique in his animation, involving multiple glass planes to give his animation a three-dimensional look. The camera is placed at the top looking down on a series of glass planes about a meter deep (one every 25-30cm). The individual glass planes can move horizontally as well as toward and away from the camera (to give the effect of a character moving closer or further away).[1] He does not use computers in his work.
For many years he has collaborated with his wife, the artist Franchesca Yarbusova, and the cinematographer Aleksandr Zhukovskiy.
Documentary on Yuri Norstein : PART 2
Puteti gasi o multime de informatii despre acest regizor. Nu asi vrea sa va spun decit ca este unul dintre putinii regizori de animatie deveniti “regizor cult” inca de la prima lucrare.
Iata si faimoasa lui Poveste a Povestilor.
Tale Of Tales Part I
Tale Of Tales Part II
Tale Of Tales Part III
Tale Of Tales Part IV (and the last)
E cunoscut faptul ca de aproximativ 20 de ani lucreaza la o animatie la care tine foarte mult. Este vorba de Mantaua lui Gogol. “Mantaua lui Gogol este pentru mine o carte din Biblie” spune Norstein. Deja circula o multime de mituri in jurul acestei animatii. Am reusit sa vad doar citeva fragmente. Stiu ca este gata cel putin jumatate din film (aproximativ 30 minute). Sa speram ca il vom vedea curind.
Iata citeva fragmente din Mantaua aflata inca in lucru
Mantaua / fragment
Mantaua/ Fragment (Exact asa mi l-am imaginat pe Akaki Akakevici)
Si fireste Ariciul in ceata (titrat in engleza) care este o capodopera a animatiei.